The Cowichan Valley Camera Club was formed in 1980 by a group of local amateur and professional photographers.

The goal was to share their interests and knowledge of all things pertaining to photography.

More than forty years later the goal remains the same,

and we still have founding members active and sharing knowledge with the other club members. 

Member’s Photos



(Images of the Cowichan Valley by club members)

Racine - Evening’s Goodnight Kiss

Carl - Fog and Mist



Activity Notices


As a result of the retraction of the COVID focused Health Directives, meetings will return to in-person meetings at the Wallace Facility.  There will be a zoom component for those with personal health issues who would otherwise not be able to participate.  As has been the past practice the zoom link will be forwarded to all members for the meeting. 

Meetings are scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday and 4th Thursday of each month.

Note:  There may be exceptions based on how the days fall in the calendar, but this is rare, and members will be notified should there be a change.

Field trips: 

Field trips will continue as scheduled (check the club calendar for dates and locations), with the addition of the social component.  Members participating are reminded that they are subject to the Covid protocols in place at the facility listed in this section of the Trip outline.


This notice will be updated as soon as possible should directives change and as this site is updated by volunteers a notice of changes will be forwarded to all members by email.



Weekly Field trips, Presentations, Seminars, Workshops, Special Interest Groups, Photo Exhibitions, Social events and

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New information or a report about something that has happened recently, in the past or comes in the future.

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Club activities include - Meetings, Seminars, Field Trips, Exhibitions, Competitions, Evening Favourites and Image Galleries.

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President - Vice President - Past President - Secretary - Treasurer - Presentation Chairperson - Founding Members - PBase - Field Trips - Competitions - Evening Favourites - Exhibitions - Tech Nights -  WebMaster

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Membership, in the Cowichan Valley Camera Club, provides full access to a range of Club Activities including; Seminars, Club Events, Field Trips, Competitions, Images and publication of image content and galleries online.

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Contact us by email at Regular meeting place is at H W Wallace - 2853 Roberts Road, Duncan V9L 6W3 (Currently meetings are held in-person and remotely using Zoom)

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